Are you aware that email marketing can help you earn $36 for every $1 you spend? Such ROI definitely gives you a solid reason to invest in marketing emails. However, you can expect handsome returns only when you are on the right track with your campaign. Otherwise, you will only waste resources.

If you are new to email marketing and are looking for some help, you are in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll see what marketing emails are with tips on crafting them effectively. So, stay tuned!

What Is A Marketing Email?

A marketing email is a type of email you send to promote a product or service. You usually send marketing emails to a list of subscribers who have signed up to receive them, and they can be a great way to generate leads and drive sales. 

They usually include a call-to-action, such as encouraging the recipient to buy a product or sign up for a service. However, it is important to ensure that your marketing emails are well-written and relevant to your audience, or else recipients will simply delete them. 

How Are Marketing Emails Different From Sales Emails?

Both marketing and sales emails help promote a product or service but differ in their approach. 

You send marketing emails typically to a larger audience. They tend to be more general in nature, focusing on building awareness and interest in the product or service. 

On the other hand, you send sales emails to a smaller group of recipients focusing on getting the recipient to take action, such as making a purchase. This means that sales emails are usually more direct in their language and more specific in their offers. 

It is worth noting that there’s an email marketing funnel that takes the lead from one stage to another. 

Tips On How To Write A Marketing Email Effectively 

Here are the ultimate email marketing tips to help increase conversions,

1. Write an engaging email subject line

Your email subject line is your first opportunity to engage your reader, so make it count! Here are a few tips for writing creative email subject lines:

– Keep it short and to the point.

– Write in a clear and concise manner.

– Use active voice that will grab the reader’s attention.

– Use emojis or other symbols to add visual interest.

– Use personalization to make the reader feel special.

Following these tips, you can write a subject line that will stand out and make your marketing email more successful with higher open rates. 

2. Write compelling preheader text

Write compelling preheader text-How To Write A Marketing Email

The preheader text is the small bit of text appearing after the email’s subject line. Recipients often overlook it, but it’s a very important piece of real estate in an email. This is because the preheader text can often be the deciding factor in whether or not someone opens an email. That’s why it’s so important to write compelling preheader text that will make people want to open your email. 

Try to keep it short and to the point. The preheader text is not the place for long-winded explanations. Also, consider using positive language that creates a sense of excitement. For example, something like “You won’t believe what’s inside!” will get more attention than a dull preheader text.

3. Make sure the subject line reflects the content of your email

Misleading the recipient can shatter your image forever and result in unsubscribes. You will lose the recipient’s trust if you don’t provide what you mention in the subject line. They will feel disappointed and never come back to you. Therefore, you must avoid using clickbait or making false promises in your subject line. Instead, focus on giving an accurate preview of the content of your email to make readers know what to expect. This is the best tip on how to write an email for marketing. 

4. Personalize

Personalize-How To Write A Marketing Email

If you want your marketing emails to be effective, you need to personalize your messages. Here are a few reasons why:

– Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and read.

– They show that you value your customers and their time.

– They can help you build relationships with your customers by showing them that you understand their needs and preferences.

– They can lead to more sales and higher customer loyalty.

So, to take your email marketing to the next level, start personalizing your messages. Your customers will appreciate the extra effort, and you’ll get better results.

5. Use actionable language

When it comes to email copywriting, actionable language is key. You want your recipients to actually do something after reading your email, whether it’s clicking through to your website or making a purchase. To achieve this, you need to use language that inspires action. Here are a few tips:

– Use strong verbs that convey a sense of urgency, such as “discover,” “explore,” “unlock,” and “learn.”

– Use active voice rather than passive voice. For example, “Discover our new products” is better than “Our new products can be discovered.”

– Make it clear what you want your recipients to do. For example, “Click here to learn more about our new products.”

– Use persuasive language to encourage your recipients to take action. For example, “Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!”

By using actionable language in your marketing emails, you’ll be more likely to get the results you’re looking for.

6. Define your brand voice

Define your brand voice-How To Write A Marketing Email

Your brand voice is the personality of your business, and it should reflect in all of your marketing materials, including your emails. Before you start writing your emails, take some time to think about what your brand voice is and how you want to use it. Do you want to be friendly and approachable? Professional and expert? Humorous and light-hearted? Knowing the tone you want to set will help you create email content that is on brand and that resonates with your audience. 

Once you understand your brand voice well, you can start writing emails that reflect that voice and will help you connect with your customers.

7. Know what competitors are doing

Knowing your competitors’ actions can help you stay ahead of the game and keep your marketing strategy fresh. To find out what your competitors are doing, you can sign up for their email lists and see what messages they’re sending. Take some time to their website and social media accounts. This will give you a good idea of their overall marketing strategy and how they’re positioning their brand. 

8. Use Psychology in Email Marketing Strategy

Use Psychology in Email Marketing Strategy-How To Write A Marketing Email

Using psychology in your marketing is one way to grab attention and encourage people to open your emails. Here are a few ideas you can use to improve your copywriting skills:

– Use the power of social proof by including testimonials or customer reviews in your emails.

– Use images or videos to evoke an emotional response.

– Use scarcity tactics to create a sense of urgency, such as offering a limited-time discount.

– Use language that creates a sense of belonging, such as “insider tips” or “members only.”

With the help of psychology, you can create messages that are more likely to be opened and read.

9. Keep content short & clear

It is important to keep the body of the email clear and concise. This means being direct and to the point while still providing enough information to interest the reader. It can be tempting to include a lot of information in your emails, but this can actually be counterproductive. Too much information can overwhelm readers and make them less likely to take action. Instead, focus on providing the most important information in a clear and concise way. This will help ensure that your marketing emails are effective and that your customers take the action you want them to. That’s exactly what copywriting is.

10. Be relevant

Be relevant

To keep emails relevant, you need to understand your audience and what they’re interested in. Take some time to segment your list and send targeted emails to each group. Personalize your emails as much as possible, so they feel like they’re speaking directly to the reader. And finally, ensure your emails are timely and relevant to what’s happening in the world. If you can do all of that, you’ll be well on your way to creating marketing emails that people actually want to read.

11. Write in the second person

Ensure that you write your emails in the second person. This means using “you” instead of “I” or “we.” For example, instead of saying, “I hope you enjoy our new product,” you would say, “You’re going to love our new product.”

The reason for this is that people are more likely to respond positively to emails that are addressed directly to them. When you use “you,” it feels like you’re speaking to the reader personally, making them more likely to listen to what you have to say. So, next time you’re drafting a marketing email, remember to write in the second person. It could make all the difference in making your email a success. 

12. Talk about benefits not features

Talk about benefits not features

You have to focus on the benefits of your product or service, not just the features. Customers usually don’t care about features; they care about what those features will do for them. So, instead of saying that your product is “powerful” or “easy to use,” try to explain how it will improve the customer’s life. 

For example, instead of saying that your product is “powerful,” you could say that it will help the customer accomplish their goals faster. Or, instead of saying that your product is “easy to use,” you could say that it will save the customer time and effort. By focusing on benefits, you’ll be able to market your product or service to customers more effectively.

13. Reward your readers

If you want to increase the likelihood of people reading your marketing emails, offer them a reward. This could be a discount on their next purchase, early access to new products or services, or even a free gift. No matter what method you choose, always make sure that your readers feel valued and appreciated. By offering something of value, you’re more likely to get people actually to read your emails and take action on your offers. Therefore, if you’re looking to boost your marketing efforts, consider offering a reward to your readers.

14. Create a sense of urgency

Create a sense of urgency

As we saw above, one of the best ways to create a sense of urgency in a marketing email copy is to use time-sensitive language. 

For example, you might use phrases like “act now,” “limited time only,” or “while supplies last.” You can also try offering a discount or bonus for a limited time. This could be a percentage off the purchase price, free shipping (if you deal with a physical product), or a free gift with purchase. 

Finally, you can create a sense of urgency by using the scarcity tactic. This could involve limiting the number of products available or offering an exclusive deal to those who act fast. Using one or more of these strategies, you can create a sense of urgency that will encourage recipients to take action.

Note: It works well in sales copywriting.

15. Test and Split Test Email Marketing Campaigns

How do you know if your campaign is effective? The answer is to try and split-test your campaigns. By testing different subject lines, calls to action, and other elements of your email, you can determine what works best for your audience. You can also split-test your list, sending different versions of your email to different segments of your list to see which version gets the best response. Testing and split testing may take extra time and effort, but it’s worth it to ensure your email marketing campaign is successful.

16. Proofread emails before hitting send

Proofread emails before hitting send

Before sending out marketing emails, it’s important to proofread them thoroughly. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to overlook errors when you are staring at the same text for too long. The fact is that a few small errors can make your email look unprofessional and could turn off potential customers. Here are a few tips for proofreading your marketing emails:

– Read the email out loud to catch any errors you might have missed.

– Get someone else to read the email to get a second opinion. This could be a colleague, friend, or even a professional proofreader. Whoever you choose, make sure they can spot errors and typos.

– Use spell check, but be aware that it won’t catch everything.

– Pay attention to your grammar, punctuation, and overall tone.

– Make sure the email is clear and concise.

Proofreading your marketing emails before sending them out can help ensure that they are error-free and professional. This is the most important copywriting tip.

With this we come to an end to the tips on how to write a marketing email. 

Get Ready To Rock With Your Marketing Emails!

We have seen how to write a marketing email. From the preheader and the subject line to A/B testing and proofreading your email, you now know how taking care of the minute details can help you get excellent results. It is worth spending time on marketing emails because you get a handsome ROI which is a must for your bottom line. 

Hopefully, you will start seeing results soon once you implement the tips and tricks you read above in your email marketing campaign. If you do, don’t forget to thank us!

Till then, Happy Emailing!


How to write a good subject line for email marketing?

A good email subject line has to be engaging, short and clear, personalized, and written in active voice. You can use emojis as well to make it look more appealing. Overall, the goal is to grab the recipient’s attention with good copywriting.

How to write a marketing email to a company?

To write a marketing email to a company, you must first ensure that you have done your research. You then have to craft a personalized email to present your product or service as a solution to their problem.

How to write a compelling marketing email?

You can write a good marketing email if you keep it engaging, short, clear, and personalized. Try using actionable language, adding a sense of urgency, using psychology, and talking about benefits more than features.