As a copywriter, you know how important it is to convey your message clearly and concisely. After all, that’s what copywriting is all about – using content to promote a product, service, or idea. You can earn something around $250 an hour as a freelancer. (Source: Freelancing Hacks)

But what if you’re struggling to get your point across? What if your copy doesn’t have the desired effect?

One way to ensure your copy is as effective as possible is to use the ACCA copywriting formula. This formula can help you structure your copy in a way that is clear and easy to follow.

In this blog post, we’ll show you what the ACCA formula is all about, when to use it, and how it works with examples to help you get a better idea of the copywriting framework. 

So, without much ado, let’s begin. 

Table of Contents

What Is The ACCA Copywriting Formula?

The Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action (ACCA) Copywriting Formula is a copywriting framework for crafting effective and compelling copy that helps drive conversions. This formula was developed by copywriting expert Dan Kennedy, who believes that to convert readers successfully, a marketer must first understand the four stages of the buyer’s journey

  • Awareness
  • Comprehension
  • Conviction
  • Action

This formula helps copywriters identify and address the needs of their target audience at each stage of the process.

First, aim to increase the audience’s awareness of the offered product or service. You can achieve this through effective headlines and distinct visuals that capture the readers’ attention. 

The second step involves helping the readers comprehend how the problem affects them and talking about the solution. Again, you can do this through clear and concise messaging that outlines the key features, advantages, and benefits. 

In the third and fourth stages, copywriters must compel readers to take action by building a strong emotional connection with the product or service and providing a compelling reason to take action. 

The ACCA copywriting formula is a powerful one that you can use to persuade readers effectively to act on a product or service.

When To Use The ACCA Copywriting Formula?

You can use the ACCA copywriting formula for any type of writing, including web copy, email marketing, sales letters, and more. It is the best option when you want to build empathy and try to explain a problem to the reader. However, the copywriting formula is more inclined toward being educational. 

When using the ACCA formula, start by creating awareness of your product or service. 

Once you have created awareness, you can move on to comprehension. Here, you want the readers to understand how the problem affects them, explain the benefits of your product or service and why it is superior to others. Next, you need to create conviction in your readers. Conviction is all about building trust and demonstrating the value of your product or service. Finally, it would help if you encouraged action by providing a clear call to action and outlining the next steps for interested customers. The ACCA formula is a great way to ensure that your copy is effective and engaging.

How The ACCA Copywriting Formula Works?

This formula is particularly useful when creating direct response copy for marketing campaigns. Of course, you already know the stages, but here’s a detailed look.

ACCA copywriting formula


First, you should use the copy to create awareness with potential customers by highlighting the problem or need that the product or service can solve. You can do this in an engaging way that resonates with the target audience.


Once potential customers are aware of the product or service, use the copy to help them comprehend how the problem affects their lives. You can then talk about how your product or service can help. You can do this by providing clear and concise information that addresses the customer’s needs and questions.


The next step is to use the copy to convince potential customers that the product or service is the right solution. You can do this by providing evidence and testimonials of satisfied customers.


Finally, motivate potential customers to take action and purchase the product or service. You can do this by providing a clear call to action and highlighting the urgency of the offer.

By utilizing the ACCA Copywriting Formula, marketers can create compelling messaging that resonates with potential customers and encourages them to take action.

Examples Of The ACCA Copywriting Formula In Action

Here are a few copywriting examples with ACCA in action.

1. ACCA Copywriting formula in a tweet

ACCA Copywriting formula in a tweet

The above is an example of ACCA in action on social media. Even in something as short as a tweet, the formula effectively communicates the message.

2. ACCA in a sales copy

Awareness – Are you a business owner trying to scale your organization? Is it challenging to progress despite putting in extra hours each day?

Comprehension – Though most business owners have a vision, it can be time-consuming to handle the tiny details of running the show. This doesn’t let them focus on larger projects that can help the business grow.

Conviction – With our solution, several business owners have been able to organize and delegate tasks so to focus on what matters for the growth of their business.

Action – Reach out to us to increase your potential and upscale your business. 

3. ACCA used in a copy for nonprofits 

Awareness – Are you aware that thousands of trees are destroyed each day by bears attacking them?

Comprehension – These bear attacks are killing trees worldwide, reducing our source of oxygen. Though there is no reason for these attacks, they are unnecessarily affecting the green cover.

Conviction – Once you build a fence around the trees, you can save trees from damage from bears. We focus on creating bear-proof fences in national forests to help protect trees.

Action – You can help stop bear attacks by donating 50 cents a day and enable trees to live longer so that everyone enjoys healthy and fresh air. You can sign up here.

Here are some of the best and most widely used copywriting formulas that work well every time. Take a look at them.

1. AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) copywriting formula 

The AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) is a good copywriting formula which is a tried-and-true method of creating persuasive copy that encourages readers to take action. Understanding and following AIDA formula enables you to craft compelling messages that capture readers’ attention, generate interest, create desire, and motivate them to take action.

The first step is to get the reader’s attention. You can do this by utilizing a headline that captures their attention. The headline should be eye-catching and relevant to the content of the message. It should also be concise, and you should get to the point quickly to ensure your readers don’t lose interest.

Once you have their attention, you must generate interest. You can do this by providing more in-depth information about what you offer and why it benefits. This could include facts, figures, or stories about your product or service.

Once you create interest, you must create desire. This is possible by highlighting the benefits of the product or service, as well as by demonstrating how it will improve the reader’s life. For example, you can show them how it will make their life easier, more enjoyable, or more successful.

The last step is to motivate action. You can do this by providing a call to action that is direct, simple, and clear. This could be something as simple as a “buy now” button or a “sign up” link. You can increase readers’ likelihood of taking the desired action by providing a clear path to action.

2. PAS (Problem-agitate-solve) copywriting formula

The PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) copywriting formula is popular in creating persuasive content. You can use this three-step formula to create compelling messages designed to convince readers to take action. 

Problem – The first step begins with identifying a problem that the reader may have. This could be a problem that needs to be addressed.

Agitate – The next step is to agitate the problem. You can do this by emphasizing the issue’s severity and urgency while stressing the consequences of not taking action. 

Solution – Finally, the content should offer a solution to the previously identified problem. You can present this solution attractively and compellingly, encouraging the reader to take action.

By utilizing the PAS formula, marketers can create persuasive content designed to get results.

3. FAB (Feature-Advantage-Benefit) copywriting formula

The FAB copywriting formula is a popular and useful tool for creating a persuasive copy. It stands for Feature-Advantage-Benefit, and it emphasizes the importance of emphasizing the value of a product or service to potential customers. 

Features are the characteristics or components of the product or service, advantages are the unique benefits customers will receive from the product or service, and benefits are the end result or positive outcome that customers will experience from using them.

Using the FAB formula when writing copy ensures that you present a product’s or service’s features and advantages in a way that highlights the importance for customers and provides tangible benefits. This helps to create a connection between the customer and the product and emphasizes the value of the product or service for the customer. The formula also helps to create persuasive and engaging content, and ensures that the customer has all the relevant information in an easy-to-understand manner.

Ultimately, the FAB formula is an effective and efficient way to create engaging and persuasive content while emphasizing the value of the product or service to the customer. This can increase sales, as customers are more likely to purchase a product or service if they understand the value and benefits it provides.

4. BAB (Before-After-Bridge) copywriting formula

The Before-After-Bridge (BAB) copywriting formula is a powerful framework for any marketer or copywriter to use when creating compelling content. 

It is a three-part structure that you can use for blog posts, web copy, email copy, and more. 

In the first part, the ‘Before’ section, the writer focuses on the current problem or state of the reader. Here, the goal is to establish a need and help the reader relate to the topic.

The ‘After’ section is the solution to the problem. Here, the writer should give the reader the feel of a world without those problems and paint a fascinating picture. 

Finally, the ‘Bridge’ section connects the two parts. Here, the writer tells the reader about the solution that will help them live in the ‘better’ world and encourage them to take action.

The BAB formula allows the writer to craft a compelling, action-oriented message that will grab the reader’s attention and get them to take the desired action. It’s a potent tool for creating successful copy that can greatly impact your business.

Give The ACCA Copywriting Formula A Try

So, there you have it – the ACCA copywriting formula explained with examples. The ACCA formula can also be used for other types of writing, such as marketing materials, web copy, and even email subject lines. So, give the ACCA formula a try the next time you’re stuck on what to write. Who knows – you might be stunned to see how well it works!

We hope you found this blog post helpful and will start using this formula to improve your copywriting. Also, don’t forget to thank us later!


1. What does the ACCA copywriting formula stand for?

The ACCA copywriting formula stands for Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action. The formula helps craft effective and compelling copy that relates to the readers and helps drive conversions.

2. What is the ACCA copywriting formula used for?

Most often, the ACCA copywriting formula finds its use in building compassion in readers’ minds, which is why most charities and nonprofits use it in their copies. The formula works well most often and can achieve what it intends to.

3. What can the ACCA copywriting formula sell?

The ACCA formula works well in selling services and intangible solutions without solid features and attributes to highlight. It is the best option when the target audience is unaware of how the problem affects them.