Are you looking to make your copywriting more effective? Then the A FOREST copywriting formula is something you should know about. This formula is a great way to structure your copy to ensure it is convincing.
In this blog post, we will explain the A FOREST formula, how it works, and how you can use it to improve your copywriting.
You’ll soon see why this formula is so powerful and why so many successful copywriters use it. So, if you’re ready to take your copy to the next level, read on to find out more about the A FOREST copywriting formula.
Table of Contents
What Is The A FOREST Copywriting Formula?
The A FOREST copywriting formula helps writers write copy with all the elements to make it persuasive. The elements include Alliteration, Facts, Opinion, Repetition, Example, Statistics, Threes. This formula borrows English literature techniques that have always resulted in enchanted writing. It can work well for brands who want their copies to stand out. The formula uses psychological tools to increase conversions. It has techniques that make the copy impactful & easy to remember.
Is It A Formula Or A Checklist?
A FOREST is not a writing formula. It is actually a checklist or a guide and doesn’t require each element to appear in order. It helps writers remember what 7 elements must be part of their copy to make it compelling enough. Overall, it allows you to write your copy by keeping the target audience’s needs in mind. It lets you put your interest on the back burner and craft a compelling copy.
How Does The A FOREST Copywriting Formula Work in Practice?
Let’s take a look at each element of the A FOREST formula.

A: Alliteration
The repetition of the initial sounds of letters in a series of words is called alliteration. Apart from sounding good, it makes it easy for the reader to remember the words, which is why this technique finds its use in poetry and sales copies.
Numerous brands use this technique of alliteration in their brand name taglines and slogans. For example, Intel’s tagline is Intel inside, and you have brand names like Dunkin Donuts and Coca-Cola. The aim is to make the brands stay on top of the target audience’s mind.
F: Facts
The wiring of the human brain is such that it makes people look for excuses to avoid soaking in new information. You can only prevent them from running away from information by providing proof. This is because when you provide evidence, it fuels logic. It will put the protests of the readers to rest and increase credibility. The best way to present facts is through research papers and graphs that look persuasive. The more numbers you can use, the better. For example, it will be better if you mention ‘30% increase’ than ‘thirty percent increase’. Note that numbers are more capable of getting the readers’ attention.
O: Opinion
You would agree that most people like to know other people’s opinions. This is why reviews, ratings, comments, and testimonials work as social proof as they come from other people.
Together they make the copy persuasive. Moreover, you can turn those social proofs into facts, such as mentioning the number of subscriptions to your tool as over 3 million subscriptions!
R: Repetition
Repetition makes your copy memorable and persuades the reader to take action. You can repeat your idea multiple times in your copy so that it looks important to them. By repeating something, you get the reader’s attention to the message and ensure that it reaches them effectively. When we hear things repeatedly, it seems to be true, and when it is true, it will persuade the reader to take action. You can do your best by using different words for the same thing, and for that, you have to put in some effort as a copywriter. You can also introduce a different perspective with the help of a story or a statistic.
E: Examples
Storytelling and sharing personal experiences can work in your favor because people like real-life examples. It will look like a first-hand experience that makes people relate well to what you’re offering. This relates to psychology because we try to imagine the events in our minds when we listen to a story with examples and stories. You will be able to create different sensations in the mind of the reader or target audience and will be able to persuade them to take action. So, you can include examples in your copy to get results.
S: Statistics
Statistics is another element that you have to add in your copy because numbers help you to be more concrete and to the point, it is better to say, ‘I earned $5000 today’ instead of ‘I earned a lot of money today’. This way, you can persuade the readers to take action. In addition, it is best to have a record of the statistics you provide so that whenever there are any cross-questions from the target audience, you can answer them and look credible.
T: Threes
Our brain is capable of processing information in patterns. The number that you can start organizing patterns with is 3, which is why you will see in literature the use of this rule of 3.
For example, you would have heard of the children’s story ‘Three little pigs’. Similarly, in slogans also, you will find the use of 3 words most often. For example, Toyota’s is – Let’s Go Places. So make sure your copy has the rule of 3 in it by providing a beginning, middle part, and the end.
When To Use The A FOREST Copywriting Formula?
The copywriting formula works well in long-form content where you must make a point, such as a blog post, physical brochure, website, or letter. It works well for copywriters who have a good knowledge of literature or are into creative writing. It is more of a guideline that doesn’t require you to use all the elements in a sequence and works really well. When you use this formula, your copy has all it needs to look for services such as logical arguments, emotions, and easy recall.
Example Of The A FOREST Copywriting Formula In Action

The above example uses alliteration, threes, and repetition to get the reader to click on the link provided. The copy can persuade the reader to take action in just a few words. Such is the magic of using literary techniques in copywriting.
Popular Copywriting Formulas Copywriters Use
Here’s a look at the most popular copywriting formulas,
1. AIDA Formula
The Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) copywriting formula helps craft persuasive copy. The formula has 4 steps: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
The first stage, Attention, is all about grabbing the reader’s attention. You can do this by using a headline or a bold statement that draws the reader in.
The second stage, Interest, is about getting the reader’s interest. You want to make the reader want to learn more about your product or service by piquing their curiosity.
The third stage, Desire, is about creating a need or desire for the product or service. You can do this by highlighting the product’s benefits or emphasizing how it can solve the reader’s problems.
The final stage, Action, motivates the reader to take the desired action. It can be a newsletter subscription or a purchase. By this stage, you should have given the reader enough information to make an informed decision.
2. PAS Formula
The Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) copywriting formula is a powerful tool for creating persuasive copy that drives action. The formula starts by identifying a problem that the reader is facing or will soon face. This problem should resonate with the reader, and it should be made clear that it needs to be solved. The next step is to agitate the problem.
Here, the copy should emphasize why it’s so important to solve the problem and what could happen if the problem isn’t solved. Finally, you should present the solution to the problem. This should be a clear solution with a clear call to action for the reader. By using the PAS formula, you can create persuasive copy that will move your readers to action.
3. BAB Formula
The Before-After-Bridge Copywriting formula is an effective method for writing persuasive copy. It is based on the idea that people are more likely to be convinced if they can see before and after results.
In the Before step, you need to establish the current state of the reader’s problem by describing the situation before they take your desired action. In the After step, you need to show the reader what their life will be like after they take your desired action. Finally, in the Bridge step, you need to explain how your product or service solves the reader’s problem and how it will take them from their current state to their desired state.
By following this formula, you can effectively persuade your readers to take the action you want.
4. The 4 P’s Formula
The Picture, Promise, Prove, Push (PPPP) formula is a copywriting formula used to create compelling advertising and marketing messages. The formula presents an attractive picture of the product or service offered. This picture should be vivid and inspiring, giving the reader a clear vision of what they could gain by taking action.
Next, you make a promise to the reader about what they will receive if they take action. Following this, you need to prove that your product or service can deliver on your promise. This could include customer testimonials, product reviews, or comparisons to other products.
Finally, you need to push the reader to take action by providing them with a call to action. This could involve offering a discount, limited-time promotion, or simply urging them to purchase the product or service now. By using the 4P’s formula, you can increase sales and build your brand with persuasive writing.
Get Ready To Use The A FOREST Copywriting Formula For Your Copy
The A FOREST Copywriting Formula is powerful enough to create effective, persuasive copy that resonates with your audience. By adding elements of Alliteration, Facts, Opinion, Repetition, Examples, Statistics, Threes, you can create an outstanding copy every time using which you can grab readers’ attention. This formula pays attention to details in no particular order, making it more of a checklist or guideline. Overall, it shows how adding elements of English literature can add a spark to your copy. So start using it, and don’t forget to thank us, when you start seeing results.
A FOREST stands for Alliteration, Facts, Opinion, Repetition, Example, Statistics, Threes in the A FOREST copywriting formula. It works as a checklist or guideline that helps writers write copy with all the elements to make it persuasive.
The A FOREST copywriting formula works well in long-form content where you must make a point, such as a blog post, physical brochure, website, or letter. Also, it works well for copywriters who have a good knowledge of literature or are into creative writing.
The most popular copywriting formulas that provide excellent results include Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA), PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve), BAB (Before, After, Bridge), the 4 P’s (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push).