Are you looking for an effective way to write persuasive copy? After all, honing your copywriting skills can make you earn something around $55,278 per year. If that’s what you want, look no further than the 4 C’s copywriting formula. It has been a tried-and-true method used by copywriters for decades now. The four guidelines of the formula creating— clear, concise, compelling, and credible copy—provide a structured approach to writing persuasive copy tailored to your audience.
In this blog post, we will discuss the 4 C’s copywriting formula, how it helps create an effective copy when it should be used, and look at the examples to help you better understand. So let’s begin!
Table Of Contents
What Is The 4 C’s Copywriting Formula?

The 4 C’s copywriting formula is a set of four guidelines that help create a compelling and persuasive copy. Created by advertising executive Rosser Reeves in the 1950s, copywriters have used this formula to produce more impactful writing. The four C’s of copywriting say that a copy has to be clear, concise, compelling, and credible.
Clear – It refers to how well your content communicates its message. It should be easy for readers to understand what you are trying to say without reading it multiple times or doing additional research.
Concise – Being concise is about getting your point across concisely – try not to use too many words when just a few will do!
Compelling – Your copy should have something in it for the target audience. Only then will it be relevant. Therefore, try to address the pain point and make the copy persuasive enough.
Credible – It is related to trustworthiness. Make sure your claims can be backed up with evidence or facts so that readers know they can believe what you’re saying.
When used correctly, the 4 C’s copywriting formula helps create persuasive copy that is clear, concise, easy to understand, and trustworthy. Following these guidelines ensures that your content stands out from the competition and resonates with readers.
How The 4 C’s Formula In Copywriting Helps?
The 4 C’s copywriting formula helps create impactful and convincing copy. Following this formula can help ensure that your writing includes all the necessary ingredients to grab your readers’ attention and make them take action.
Clarity and conciseness ensure that the message is clear and easily understood while making the copy compelling using creativity, allowing for fresh ideas that captivate readers. By making it irresistible, you get the intended audience’s attention, and adding hints of credibility enables them to trust you and your offering better.
The formula ensures that the content effectively conveys the message and reaches the desired outcome. It also helps keep the content fresh and engaging, ensuring that readers remain interested.
By adhering to the 4 C’s formula while writing copy, you can create content that stands out from the competition by being clear, concise, and persuasive – everything needed for a compelling piece of communication!
How To Use The 4 C’s Copywriting Formula?
Here’s how to use the 4 C’s formula:
- Start by clearly identifying your target audience and the action you want them to take.
- Write your copy clearly, making sure it’s easy to understand and free of jargon.
- Emphasize your connection to the reader by finding ways to empathize with them and make them feel heard.
- Make sure your claims are substantiated with facts and research to give your copy conviction.
- Include a strong call to action to get your readers to take the desired action.
By using the 4 C’s formula, you can create a compelling copy that engages readers and leads them to conversion.
When To Use The 4 C’s Copywriting Formula?
You can use this formula anytime you need to write a persuasive copy that convinces and motivates readers to take action.
For example, you can use it to craft emails, blog posts, social media posts, website copy, and even print ads such as brochures. The key is to explain the benefits of your product or service in a clear and concise way that resonates with your target audience. Make sure to use language that conveys your credibility and connects with readers on an emotional level. The ultimate goal is to have readers take a specific action, so make sure to include a strong call to action that encourages them to take the next step. With the 4 C’s copywriting formula, you’ll be able to write a persuasive copy that gets results.
Examples Of The 4 C’s Copywriting Formula In Action
Here are a few examples of how you can use the 4 C’s copywriting formula,
1. The 4 C’s in action in email marketing

The above email shows how the copywriter has used the 4 C’s of copywriting. It is easy to understand and clear as there is an attempt to convey the message using minimal words. That makes it more likely for the recipient to take action, which is purchasing in this case.
2. The 4 C’s in action in a Tweet

In this tweet, there’s the use of the 4 C’s to make the copy compelling and click-worthy. But, sometimes, even simple words can do the trick and make the reader take action.
3. The 4 C’s in action in an About Us page copy

This is the about us page of the Bird & Blend tea website. As you can see, the copy is clear, concise, and persuasive. It is simple and to the point, with the company’s values in 4 sections to make them easier to grasp.
Popular Copywriting Formulas To Use
Here are the top copywriting formulas you can use to craft copies that resonate well with your target audience.
1. AIDA copywriting formula
The Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) formula is a widely adopted copywriting technique used to create effective, persuasive content. It captures a reader’s attention, piques their interest, stirs their desire, and compels them to take immediate action.
Attention – The first step is to capture the reader’s attention with a headline or opening sentence that is eye-catching and captivating.
Interest – You must then cultivate interest by providing informative details that draw the reader in. You can do this by talking about the product’s features, benefits, and advantages.
Desire – The next step is to evoke the reader’s desire for the product. You can do this by highlighting its benefits or using vivid language to make the product seem appealing.
Action – The reader must have an actionable call to action. This could be an invitation to purchase the product, sign up for a newsletter, or even just click a link.
By following the AIDA formula, copywriters can craft persuasive, compelling content that will capture the reader’s attention and motivate them to take action.
2. PAS copywriting formula
The Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) copywriting formula is a powerful tool that you can use to create persuasive copy that convinces readers to take action. The formula works by presenting a problem that the reader is likely to be experiencing, then agitating it by highlighting its negative consequences, and finally offering a solution to alleviate those consequences. By using the PAS formula, copywriters can craft copy that resonates with their audience and encourages them to take action.
The problem section of the formula should identify the issue the reader will likely face. You can do this by asking questions relating to the reader’s current situation or highlighting any challenges the reader may be experiencing. Once you identify the problem, you should agitate it by emphasizing the negative consequences the reader may face if it is left unsolved. This could include potential financial losses, missed opportunities, or other negative impacts.
Finally, the solution section should present a viable solution to the reader’s problem. It could be a product, a service, or simply advice. Whatever the solution, you should present it in a way that emphasizes the benefits the reader can gain by taking action.
3. BAB copywriting formula
The Before-After-Bridge copywriting formula is an effective tool for creating compelling content that resonates with readers. It is a tried-and-true method of writing that helps to create a narrative that is both engaging and effective at communicating the desired message.
The Before part of the formula starts by vividly depicting the reader’s current situation to create an emotional connection. This provides the context of the problem that needs to be solved.
The After part of the formula paints a vision of a better future. It provides the reader with a clear achievable goal and a sense of hope and motivation.
The Bridge part of the formula is perhaps the most important. This is where the writer must provide the reader with a concrete solution to their problem. It could include providing evidence, testimonials, or other resources that prove the efficacy of the proposed solution.
The Before-After-Bridge copywriting formula is a powerful tool that you can use to create engaging and persuasive content that resonates with readers. You can use it to craft compelling stories that capture the reader’s attention and motivate them to take the desired action.
4. FAB copywriting formula
The Feature-Advantage-Benefit copywriting formula is a tried-and-true method of advertising and marketing that will help you make the most of your resources.
It is a simple, three-step process that encourages you to focus on the features of your product or service, the advantages it can provide for your customer, and the ultimate benefits your customer will enjoy.
At the most basic level, it involves understanding the features of the product or service and then communicating the significant advantages of those features to the customer.
Finally, you will identify how those advantages translate into concrete benefits for the customer. By focusing on the features and advantages of the product or service and how they will benefit the customer, you’ll be able to create powerful, effective advertisements.
This will help you to ensure that your advertisements will be seen and understood by your target audience and that they will be motivated to take action. The Feature-Advantage-Benefit copywriting formula is a great way to maximize your marketing efforts and ensure that your campaigns are successful.
Start Using The 4C’s Copywriting Formula
The 4 C’s copywriting formula is a powerful tool for copywriters to create effective and persuasive content. It encourages the use of clear, concise language and ensures backing up all claims with evidence. Keeping your audience in mind when applying the formula is key; understanding who you’re writing for will help you better tailor your message.
Simplicity should be a primary goal when structuring content with the 4 C’s Copywriting Formula. Too often, writers try to make their copy sound more impressive by using jargon or overly complex language. Unfortunately, this can have the opposite effect and turn away readers, so it is essential to use simple language that anyone can understand. Use this in content writing as well to see results and let us know about it!
Do read all about content marketing once.
According to the 4 C’s formula, persuasive copywriting has to be clear, concise, compelling, and credible. With these characteristics, your copy can stand out and make the reader take the desired action faster. This copywriting formula works well most often.
You can use the 4 C’s formula to craft emails, blog posts, social media posts, website copy, and even print ads such as brochures. It is a versatile formula that works well most often & helps you get results easily.
The Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) formula, Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) copywriting formula, Before-After-Bridge (BAB) copywriting formula & Feature-Advantage-Benefit (FAB) copywriting formula are popular.